Blood tests
Your GP will create a form.
You need to take a printed copy of this to your appointment, so if you receive it by text or email and don’t have a printer, please ask at reception.
You can book your appointment by calling 01702 746065 or on
If you need to FAST for your test it will say FASTING LIPIDS or FASTING GLUCOSE on the form.
If the GP has booked you for an Xray, or very occasionally a CT scan or MRI, please call 0300 443 0121 and select Option 3 for Basildon or St Andrews. Then Option 1 for xray, Option 2 for Ultrasound, Option 3 for CT scan, or Option 4 for MRI scan. You DO NOT need to take a form to a scan appointment. This is sent electronically to the department.
We do not contact patients with results, and instead ask you to obtain your own results as below.
If you have SystmOne online you can check to see when your results come in. They will be labelled to explain the next steps needed ie 'Needs to Speak to GP/ Nurse' in which case you would need to book an online appointment by calling reception.

If you don't have access to SystmOne please call reception for your results between 1pm and 6pm. They will book you a follow up appointment as needed.
Blood tests tend to take about 2 days to get back to us.
Xrays results tend to take at least 7 days (and sometimes much longer).